Friday, May 13, 2011

The Commandant

I am in love (the platonic variety). With the Commandant. Definitely NOT that of the College of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering. But of the Pakistan Naval Engineering College.

Here are 10 things that are/were good about him:
1. He doesn't have an SO he doesn't deserve.

2. He had rank but no apparent arrogance.

3. He didn't create a fuss at not being seated at the head of the conference table.

4. He can sit at a conference table and not suffer from acute Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
5. He didn't have an army of suck-ups to accompany him all the time. Even some of the time.

6. He could sit alone in a sofa and have lunch all by himself.

7. He seemed to have enough sense not to butt-in in matters he had no knowledge.

8. He had enough sense not start building unnecessary roads all over PNEC.

9. He had enough sense not to convert the college's cafeteria into an accomodation for the bearers.

10. He had enough wisdom not to interfere with student affairs to be point of making them abhor their institution.

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