We have been unsure whether the frame would actually hold, whether the body would wouldn't drag, that the engine would work at its good rpms...but what we have never been unsure is on the need for conservation.
There are real issues over vehicle emissions, over declining oil reserves and over rising oil prices. The dynamics of changing production are complex ranging from lesser available in future to politics. It is far difficult to produce more than to consume less. And that is the essence of conservation.
While our main focus has been on designing and fabricating a fuel efficient vehicle, spreading the message of conservation has not been of secondary importance. The message to conserve, to use less, with proper (common) sense, more efficiently, we have taken far and wide...
Here in Islamabad...
Nearby, in Taxilla...
Far away (350 km), in Lahore...
The emphasis of our presentations has been as much about our own project (the vehicle) as about the conservation, and while our success (or otherwise) on the track would be a subjective issue, the message we have taken hic-et-ubique will not.
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