Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Of mutiny and mutineers

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(Enough tuns; just make yourself a breaking-news-type-tune...for something that happened 2 months ago)

"In not entirely an unexpected development, Team Manager of Bekaar was deposed and then arrested for charges ranging from corruption, bribery, assault, contempt, mismanagement of official resources and malpractices in recruitment for official posts.

It is believed that members of the cabinet, as well as those from the Bekaar High Command, are behind the indictment. In his personal blog, he came down hard on this move, and referred to those behind the move as mutineers. He did, however, make no comment on the charges themselves, further arounsing suspicions that they may be correct.

A spokesman for the 'mutineers' while not elaborating the charges did say that official records indicate a gruesome disorder with funds, recruitment and Bekaar state machinery. However, with all his service for the Bekaar national cause, it is believed that he is likely to get away with a light sentence."

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